📣 Introducing our first community showcase. We're featuring rOpenSci, a vibrant community dedicated to advancing open science through collaborative development of R-based tools and resources.
Welcome 👋 to our first community spotlight! We're introducing Bilikisu Olatunji, a data scientist and member of a variety of communities such as Abuja R User group, R-Ladies Abuja and rOpenSci.
In December, community members will be invite to share how their research lifecycles have changed since they joined the programme, what challenges they experienced, innovative solutions they came up with, who they learned with, and what they're …
Once a month we'll have an open co-working session where community members can share their experiences, ask questions, celebrate successes, brainstorm solutions, and more.
Once a month we'll have an open co-working session where community members can share their experiences, ask questions, celebrate successes, brainstorm solutions, and more.